The first teaser trailer for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Movie" was released on April 7. The standalone film is the first in a new series of "Star Wars" movies focusing on independent events that have taken place within the exciting universe. This means fans will have the chance to see their favorite characters from the original series in brand new stories.
One person everyone seems excited to see back on screen is Mon Mothma, one of the primary leaders in the rebel alliance who first appeared in "A New Hope." She was one of the commanders who coordinated the epic Battle of Endor in "Return of the Jedi," and now she's back at it again.
The "Rogue One" storyline was inspired by a part of the opening crawl that appeared in the first-ever "Star Wars" movie. The line reads: "During the battle, rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star ..."
In the new trailer, we see the protagonist Jyn Erso meet Mon Mothma. Our guess is Mothma will assign Erso the "rogue one mission" to steal the construction plans of the Death Star.
So far, Mothma's reappearance is a major talking point of the trailer.
Ok, #RogueOne, you have my attention.
Also, #MonMothma!!!! #StarWars
— Rob (@RobCabrera) April 7, 2016
Finally, more #MonMothma! #RogueOne
— Jamison Rabbitt (@JamisonRabbitt) April 7, 2016
SCREAMING!! NERD TINGLES!! #MonMothma!!! #RogueOne
— Sweetshade Lane (@SweetshadeLane) April 7, 2016
I freaked out pretty hard at #MonMothma in the #StarWarsRogueOne trailer. Imagine if we see one or both of Poe Dameron's parents in it?!
— Bobby Keough (@Man_of_Feelz) April 7, 2016
@DCN829@starwars I'm loving #MonMothma hope we see more. Not sure if the music is a clue or a red herring... You??
— cherigroves (@cherigroves) April 7, 2016
Most excited to see #MonMothma back in #RogueOne and it's the same actress as the #RotS deleted scenes by the looks of it.
— James Maggs (@jazzatola) April 7, 2016
Is this Geneivive O'Reilly? Side by side, I seriously don't know....
— Bryan Young (@swankmotron) April 7, 2016
so... does Mon Mothma like never change or???
— Tom (@toffeecrisp360) April 7, 2016
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