"Star Wars: The Bad Batch" is a new animated series that debuted on Disney Plus on May 4, also known as "Star Wars Day" to fans of the franchise. The premiere is an extended episode running 70 minutes, and new 30-minute episodes will arrive every Friday during the 16-episode season.
"The Bad Batch" refers to a specialized crew of soldiers introduced in another animated series, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." While most of the Republic's clone soldiers are identical, the five members of Clone Force 99 have unique abilities that make them an elite team. The miniseries takes place as the Republic army becomes the villainous Galactic Empire from the original "Star Wars" film, and the members of The Bad Batch are forced to choose sides.
Disney Plus is the streaming home for the entire "Star Wars" franchise, including more original series. "The Mandalorian" completed season two in fall 2020, and Disney has announced a full lineup of upcoming "Star Wars" movies and shows.
How to watch 'Star Wars: The Bad Batch' on Disney Plus
To watch "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" you'll need a Disney Plus subscription. The service costs $8 a month or $80 a year. The series premiered on May 4, and new episodes will debut every Friday starting May 7. The full season is expected to run 16-episodes.
You can find the Disney Plus app on iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, and most smart TV and streaming player brands. You can also access the service through the Disney Plus website to watch online.
Disney Plus has some of the best quality options of any streaming service, with support for up to 4K HDR video with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. You can also download movies and shows to watch offline later.
If you're looking for more "Star Wars" series and films to stream, be sure to check out our full breakdown of all the "Star Wars" offerings on Disney Plus, and our list of the top "Star Wars" video games.
What other movies and shows can I watch on Disney Plus?
Disney Plus is an on-demand subscription service that gives you access to thousands of hours worth of "Star Wars,"Marvel, and Disney movies and shows for $8 a month or $80 per year.
In addition to a huge library that includes almost every "Star Wars" program, Disney Plus also offers a collection of exclusive series like the "The Right Stuff," and Marvel shows like "WandaVision" and "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier."
You can check out a detailed roundup of all the Disney Plus exclusive shows here, and a full breakdown of all the exclusive Disney Plus movies here.