"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" opens today in theaters, and it won't just be a big hit in the US.
This is a huge, global phenomenon.
The film is expected to shatter box-office records with $100 million already earned in advance-ticket sales. Some analyst estimates have ranged from $1.2 billion to $1.75 billion globally, but that still may not be enough.
While US audiences know the film as "The Force Awakens," fans around the globe will know the next "Star Wars" by many different names.
Take a look at how fans around the world refer to "The Force Awakens."
First, here's what the logo for "The Force Awakens" looks like in English.
In France, it's called "Le Réveil de la Force."
This is what it goes by in Russia.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider